Meet The Team

Managing Director

Chris Beard

Chris Beard founder and Managing Director of Hampstead Capital has over 20 years’ experience in property and brownfield investments.

Chris’s role is transactional, directly involved with acquisitions and key partner relations. He has delivered successful joint ventures with public and private sector partners across the UK. All joint ventures requiring fundraising, brownfield development solutions, controversial planning submissions and utilising his national network of professional advisers.

Chris’s previous roles include securing and delivering development opportunities for regional developer Blantyre Developments and national housebuilder Wainhomes.

Director, Environmental & Regeneration

Adam Matthews

B.Eng(Hons) MSc

Adam has over 30 years’ experience in contaminated brownfield land regeneration, both within consultancy and contracting.

He is a qualified Environmental Consultant and holds a master’s degree in Waste Management. Adam has worked directly for BP, British Gas, English Partnerships and most National House builders. This work assumed responsibility for the investigations, design, decommissioning, demolition and remediation of Petrochemical , Gas Works, Tank Farms, Power Stations, and former Colliery Sites. Adam founded ADM Regeneration ltd in 2011 one of the leading demolition and remediation contractors in the North of England.

Adam facilitates transactional due diligence and delivery strategy to minimise Environmental risk and abnormal development costs for brownfield acquisitions.

Director, Land & Planning

Justin Cove

BA(Hons), MSc, MRTPI

Justin is a chartered town planner with over 25 years’ experience across most sectors of the property industry. He has had planning  roles in local government, at real estate agencies DTZ and BNP Paribas, planning consultancies and is currently a joint lead Director of Hive Land & Planning. Clients have included most National Housebuilders, Petrochemical & Manufacturing Companies, BCEGI, Homes England, Harworth Estates and His Majesties Court Services.

Justin facilitates transactional planning due diligence and delivery strategy, determining alternative uses and the nature of development that could be achieved on brownfield acquisitions.

Director Legal

David Roberts


After graduating from Cambridge University, David started his legal career at DLA Piper, one of the largest international law firms. With over 20 years of legal experience, he has been Head of Legals for Morgoed Estates for the last 15 years. Morgoed Estates are one of the UK’s largest private ground rent investors and have an associated property and agricultural business. His experience includes everything from guiding large portfolio acquisitions to case managing complex litigation in the fields of leasehold enfranchisement, property management and Land Registration law.

David brings particular expertise in title deduction and reconstruction, This enables Hampstead Capital to identify sites with problematic titles at an early stage in the acquisition process, maximising opportunity and minimising legal risk.